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Arthur Miller-BIO
Number of Words: 1648 / Number of Pages: 6
... which won the University of Michigan Hopwood Awards. His Death of a Salesman won the Pulitzer prize in 1949, which was another proof of his excellent talent. Miller wrote The Crucible in 1953 during the McCarthy period when Americans were accusing each other of Pro-Communist beliefs. Many of Miller's friends were being attacked as Communists and in 1956, Miller himself was brought before the House of Un-American Activities Committee where he was found guilty of beliefs in Communism. The verdict was reversed in 1957 in an appeals court. The Crucible is set against the backdrop of the mad witch-hun ...
Poore Brothers
Number of Words: 1396 / Number of Pages: 6
... & Vinegar and Jalapeño. Soon, all of Arizona could buy their products. In order to serve all their Arizona customers they started a distribution company. Today Distributing is the premier snack food distributor in the State of Arizona.
It was only a matter of time until the products found their way across the Arizona border into California and other states. Eventually Don and Jay licensed the brand and manufacturing process to companies in Minnesota and Tennessee. In the early 1990's, the snack food business began to change with the addition of low fat and baked snack products. So they change ...
Malcolm X
Number of Words: 327 / Number of Pages: 2
... the early 1960s, the Nation of Islam had become well known and Malcolm was their most prominent spokesperson. In 1963, however, the black Muslims silenced Malcolm for his remark that the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy was like "the chickens coming home to roost." In the following year, Malcolm broke with the Nation of Islam and formed a secular black nationalist group, the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU).
In 1964 Malcolm made a hajj (pilgrimage) to the Islamic holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Based on this trip, and other travels to Africa and Europe, ...
Jerry Seinfield
Number of Words: 435 / Number of Pages: 2
... all
their lives. You know why they have no money? No pockets. They see change on
the street -there's nothing they can do about it”. “You go to the store to buy
Grape Nuts. No grapes, no nuts. What's the story there.”. “If he's the best
man why is the bride marrying the groom?” Jerry has not only contributed to
his fellow comedians and the comedians to comes. He has made a difference in
many peoples lives. For example, on Thursday night almost every one I know
snuggles up in front of there television to watch Seinfeld, a sitcom staring
Jerry Seinfeld. The next day you can hear them using di ...
Silent Cal: An American President
Number of Words: 606 / Number of Pages: 3
... En route he
became thoroughly conservative.
As President, Coolidge demonstrated his determination to preserve the old
moral and economic precepts amid the material prosperity which many
Americans were enjoying. He refused to use Federal economic power to check
the growing boom or to ameliorate the depressed condition of agriculture
and certain industries. His first message to Congress in December 1923
called for isolation in foreign policy, and for tax cuts, economy, and
limited aid to farmers.
He rapidly became popular. In 1924, as the beneficiary of what was becoming
known as "Coolidge prosperit ...
Rosa Parks
Number of Words: 759 / Number of Pages: 3
... the elevator marked for "blacks only." She also often avoided many segregated activities such as traveling by bus, preferring to walk home from work when she was not too tired to do so. Busses were a constant irritation to all black passengers. Front rows of busses were reserved for whites only and off limits to blacks even if the bus was very crowed and there weren't enough whites to fill them. The always-crowded back seats were for blacks, but only if no whites wished to occupy these seats. If the white section was full and a new white passenger stepped on the bus, a whole row of black seats had ...
Benito Mussolini
Number of Words: 2060 / Number of Pages: 8
... attacked the Riviera across the Maritime. “On September 13, 1937 he opened an offensive into British-garrisoned Egypt from Libya.”3 On October 4, 1937, while the offensive still seemed to promise success, met Adolf Hitler at the Brenner Pass, on their joint frontier. “The two of them discussed how the war in the Mediterranean, Britain’s principal foothold outside its island base, might be turned to her decisive disadvantage. Hitler suggested to Mussolini that Spain might be coaxed on the axis side, thus giving Germany free use of the British Rock of Gibraltar, by offering Franco part of French North A ...
My Autobiography.
Number of Words: 391 / Number of Pages: 2
... I know she loves me even if she leaved me at home all the time by myself. I go to public school and my last name is Reynolds like my grandmother. There is no Fisher found in my name at all. After my dad left my mother changed my last name completely and hid my birth certifacate so I couldent find it. I can understand that, in a way. I know my brothers last name is Curtis but I don't know any Curtis's that are famous. I think that I'll never find out who my real dad is. My twin sister and I are identical we go to the same school and do the same things, she wants to be an actress also so it really ...
John Dryden
Number of Words: 669 / Number of Pages: 3
... but his second attempt The Rival Ladies, a tragic comedy, was a success. During the next 20 years he became an important and well-known dramatist in England. Some of his most famous plays included names like Ladies a la Mode, Mock Astrologer, and An Evening’s Love. Another play that was famously known because it was banned as indecent was Mr. Limberham. This was unusual for this time period for a play to be banned because of it’s indecency because the Restoration was a time of change. He was also a master of writing the heroic rhymed couplets. They were extravagant and full of pageantry. On ...
Elizabethan Food
Number of Words: 1375 / Number of Pages: 5
... the late Queen Jane), but she caught Henry's eye. She brought both Elizabeth and her half-sister Mary back to court. When Henry died, she became the Dowager Queen and took her household from Court. Because of the young age of Edward VI, Edward Seymour (another brother of Jane's and therefore the young King's uncle) became Lord Protector of England.
Elizabeth went to live with Queen Dowager Katherine, but left her household after an incident with the Lord Admiral, Thomas Seymour, who was now Katherine's husband. Just what occurred between these two will never be known for sure, but rumors at the time ...