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Abortion Should Be Kept Out Of The Criminal Code
Number of Words: 1426 / Number of Pages: 6
... European nations after World War II. In the
late 1960s liberalized abortion regulations became widespread. The impetus for
the change was threefold: (1) infanticide and the high maternal death rate
associated with illegal abortions, (2) a rapidly expanding world population, (3)
the growing feminist movement. By 1980, countries where abortions were permitted
only to save a woman's life contained about 20 percent of the world's population.
Countries with moderately restrictive laws—abortions permitted to protect a
woman's health, to end pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, to avoid
genetic or c ...
A Study Of Depression And Relationships
Number of Words: 1156 / Number of Pages: 5
... style and depression, 2. Depressives would exhibit a preoccupied or
fearful style of attachment, and 3. attachment style would affect relationship
functioning more than depression.
The research was conducted in two independent studies. The first study
sampled 204 college women. Women were studied based on the very plausible
assumptions that women are more susceptible to depression than men and
relationships carry more significance with women than men. The women were
screened using the Beck Depression Inventory, a popular method of testing
consisting of 21 multiple choice quest ...
Kroeger's "AIDS And The Girl Next Door"
Number of Words: 795 / Number of Pages: 3
... Therefore, the “news” struck her and threw into a state of a shock: “My hands and feet went ice cold. I thought I would lose control of my bowels. I stood up and started pacing like an animal in a cage, looking out the window.”
Immediately other thoughts entered her mind, it can’t be happening. It must be some careless mistake made by irresponsible lab-staff. Disbelief in the reality and denial of what is happening give a poor woman hope, and the test is repeated twice, having the same devastating results. The deadly disease is already a fact, but still does not make sense, being both scary and unre ...
Sturge Weber Syndrome
Number of Words: 1324 / Number of Pages: 5
... with no evidence to support this
The patients with the Sturge Weber Syndrome are usually only
impaired on one side of their physique. They experience slow reflexes or
the inability to even move a limb opposite the port-wine stain.
Retardation is by far the worst of all effects. Most do not endure
retardation, but in some causes the extent has been ghastly. On an average
40% of the underprivileged suffering from the Sturge Weber Syndrome has
some degree of retardation. Glaucoma effects only 30% of the patient, but
usually is restricted to on eye and, occurs in later years of their liv ...
Number of Words: 4650 / Number of Pages: 17
... People who are
seeking the right partner are using psychological techniques to establish the
emotional state of their potential partners. As psychology becomes more and more
accessible and understandable to more people, I feel that it will begin to
influence our lifestyles more.
From a personal stand point, this has been a very difficult exercise.
This is a new area for me, so I have been unable to write from a professional or
work experience perspective only from a purely academic view.
'Psychology' literally means 'study of the mind'. Psychology as a
separate disciplin ...
Number of Words: 803 / Number of Pages: 3
... did not survive.
Studies have been done by M. J. Lentze, a German who found that vegetarianism
causes impaired growth in children five years or younger. Vegan children even
fail to grow as well with supplements that exceed the Recommended Daily
It is true that many vegetables contain a high amount of protein, but the amount
is not even close in comparison to meat. To get the same amount of protein from
vegetables as you would from just one pound of meat (although most people don’t
eat this much meat anyway!), you would be eating for hours.
Most people become vegetarians because of the A ...
Registered Nurses
Number of Words: 599 / Number of Pages: 3
... education includes classroom instruction and supervised
experience in hospitals and other health facilities. Students take courses
in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, psychology and
other behavioral sciences and nursing. They also must take liberal arts
classes. In all states, students must graduate from a nursing program and
pass a national licensing examination to obtain a nursing license.
Licenses must be renewed periodically; some states require continuing
education for license renewal. There are three major education paths to
nursing: Associate degree (A.D.N.), dipl ...
The Healing Process
Number of Words: 1056 / Number of Pages: 4
... of happiness. For example, in
"The Process of Change: Variations on a Theme by Virginia Satir says on Page 89
that "successful change-making turns out to involve struggle, necessitating
skill, tenacity and perspective". The struggle occurs when a foreign element
produces chaos until a new integration occurs which results in a new status quo.
Kurt Lewin echoed this view in saying that an old attitude has to unfreeze, the
person experiments, a new attitude develops and a refreezing occurs.
Janis and Prochasky suggest a person starts in relative complacency, is
presented with challenging informati ...
Alcoholism: Symptoms, Causes, And Effects
Number of Words: 947 / Number of Pages: 4
... in such behaviors as [1] breaking family
commitments, both major and minor; [2] spending more money than planned; [3]
drinking while intoxicated and getting arrested; [4] making inappropriate
remarks to friends, family, and co-workers; [5] arguing, fighting and other
anti-social actions. The alcoholic would probably neither do such things, nor
approve of them in others unless he was drinking" (Johnson 203).
The cause of alcoholism is a combination of biological, psychological,
and cultural factors that may contribute to the development of alcoholism in an
individual. Alcoholism seems to run in fa ...
Teenage Abortion
Number of Words: 551 / Number of Pages: 3
... has become the 40’Th State in the county to enforce laws requiring minors to either notify their parents or receive consent from them before having an abortion. The United States Supreme Court first declared these types of laws constitutional in 1979.
Legally, The Parental Notification Act, is constitution and is reasonable, however there are many arguments as to the downside of this new law. If minors are allowed to make any other major medical decisions during their pregnancies and can even decide to give up there babies for adoption, how can they not be given the right to have an abortion. The s ...