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Cancer: The Costs, Causes, And Cures
Number of Words: 2876 / Number of Pages: 11
... major systems in the body (such as respiratory, digestive and waste
management) cause that system to fail.
What causes Cancer to become active?
Since it is believed that almost all people have some type of cancer in their
body, (although benign), any person that comes in contact with a carcinogen,
(any cancer-causing agent), will cause these benign cells to become malignant.
It is when the cells become malignant, that cancer actually occurs. Cancer, in
this context, can be caused by many different agents; chemical, biological or
Chemical Agents
Chemicals that can cause a benign cell t ...
Resuscitation From Severe Hemorrhage
Number of Words: 431 / Number of Pages: 2
... normotension. This works fairly well but it is not the optimal treatment.
Half of the deaths that occur annually are due to acute illness or injury, and are associated with circulatory failure or shock. Some of these deaths could be avoided by the proper monitoring. The present technology is the monitoring early in the temporal course of an acute illness to observe the cardiac index, oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption. In the future, a possibility for a very effective non-invasive monitoring device, would be one which can provide the following cardiac output readings: pulse oxi ...
Schitzophrenia, Childhood, Mental, Anxiety And Other Disorders
Number of Words: 1483 / Number of Pages: 6
... along with many of other
records of treatments to people inflicted with a disorder. This is mainly
because in the early 1900's people thought that people with disorders were just
stupid and they did not investigate further into the matter. The quanity of
people that have a disorder is unknown. There is an estimated guess that 15% of
the U.S. population has some sort of disorder but that is not factual. This is
because the survey people only can estimate from the people who check
theirselves into a institution, the ones who do so make up 3% of the 15%
estimation. The U.S. in 1990 spent an estima ...
Number of Words: 322 / Number of Pages: 2
... certain cases a decision may be made to administer rabies vaccine to prevent the development of rabies.
What Can Be Done to Prevent Rabies?
Since there is no treatment for rabies the major emphasis is am preventing it. Below is a list to some ways of limiting the spread of rabies:
1. Domestic cats and dogs should be currently immunized
against rabies. Check with your veterinarian about current
recommendations for rabies vaccine (periodic booster shot
are required).
2. If you have livestock you should check with your
veterinarian about rabies virus shots.
3. Teach your children not to appro ...
Effects Of Drugs On The Body
Number of Words: 935 / Number of Pages: 4
... psychological experience a drug provides. Physical dependence means that the user builds a tolerance to the drug. When this happens the user needs more and more of the drug to achieve the same effect.
If a person develops this type of tolerance and then stops using the drug he/she will suffer from drug withdrawal. The body then needs the drug so badly that the user will seek even more of the drug even though it is harmful. This condition is called addiction. Drug addiction ranks as one of the most serious health problems. For example, alcoholism or heroin addiction can destroy or seriously da ...
Society And Euthanasia
Number of Words: 2754 / Number of Pages: 11
... at their request, in order to minimize suffering (Baird and Robinson, 1989). It comes in two main forms:
--Passive Euthanasia: Hastening the death of a person by: Removing life support equipment (e.g. a respirator) or Stopping medical procedures, medications etc., or Stopping food and water and allowing the person to dehydrate or starve to death. These procedures are performed on terminally ill, suffering persons so that natural death will occur sooner. It is also done on persons in a Persistent Vegetative State - individuals with massive brain damage who are in a coma from which they wil ...
Gut Issues
Number of Words: 526 / Number of Pages: 2
... up in the colon where billions of bacterial feed on them - in turn
producing intestinal gas. No wonder, then, that dietary fibre has been
unwelcome in many of history's nicer neighborhoods.
Even 20th century doctors reasoned that since the bulky material provided
not a single nutrient, it would only strain already troubled guts.
Accordingly, they recommended low-fibre diets for patients suffering from
hemorrhoids and other colon disorders often found in the West. But then,
about 15 years ago, the prescription was reversed as researchers found
that poor Africans, who eats lots of fibre, rarely suf ...
Abortion: Abusive Parents
Number of Words: 882 / Number of Pages: 4
... can do
whatever she would like, even if it means harming the baby and the authorities
can do nothing. When the baby is born, the child might have irreparable brain
damage or some physical defect and would not be able to live a normal life, for
the rest of it's life. The abuse that the unborn child goes through is the same
as if it was born but the severity is much greater, and nothing can be done. To
me, this is child abuse of the worst kind. An unborn child is getting abused
with drugs, alcohol, or whatever the mother may be ingesting, and the child is
unable to defend itself. If the child was bo ...
Number of Words: 3079 / Number of Pages: 12
... or both. Depression is a disorder of
affect. Affective disorders are predominantly disturbances of mood that are
severe in nature and persistent despite the influence of external events.
Depression is characterized by severe and persistent low mood, which is often
unresponsive to the efforts of friends and family to cheer the sufferer up.
Patients who suffer with repeated episodes of depression have a Recurrent
Depressive Disorder. Depressive episodes can be classified into mild, moderate,
and severe types, with or without psychotic symptoms. To be classified as
depression, an episode must l ...
The Uses Of Marijuana
Number of Words: 546 / Number of Pages: 2
... as the stalk of the plant can be used for fuel. It can be burned as is or processed into charcoal, methanol, methane, or gasoline. Fuels made from this plant are known as biomass fuels. These fuels are virtually free from metals and sulfur, so they don't cause nearly as much pollution as fossil fuels. It may one day replace gasoline. With wanting to conserve the forests, hemp is an alternative to paper. The problem with pulp paper is there are so many chemicals used to make it, which are very harmful to our environment. With hemp we are able to make environmentally safe paper for all our needs w ...