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A Study Of Catholicism
Number of Words: 584 / Number of Pages: 3
... recently was about a young girl in England who became pregnant. The girl went to her church and told her priest. The priest then referred the girl to the Cardinal of that area. The twelve-year-old girl comes from a family that can barely afford food and clothes, let alone support a new child. Abortion was obviously not even an issue in this case. The clergy decided it would be best to use church money and support this girl in her pregnancy. This shows openness on the part of the Catholic Church because they could have shunned this twelve year old girl, and ignored her pleas for help. However, they ...
Civil Rights Movement 2
Number of Words: 992 / Number of Pages: 4
... a vast ocean of material prosperity and finds himself an exilein his own land." King continued stolidly: "it would be fatal for thenation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate thedetermination of the negro. this sweltering summer of the negro'slegitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality." when King came to the end of his prepared text, he swept right on into an exhibition of impromptu oratory that wascatching, dramatic, and inspirational. "I have a dream," King cried out. the crowd began cheering, but king,never pausing, brough ...
Development Of The Communist T
Number of Words: 828 / Number of Pages: 4
... not form a separate party opposed to other
working class parties. There are ten measures needed to convert to
communism (Engels, Marx 94). 1. Abolition of property in land and
application of all rents of land to the public. 2. Heavy progressive
income tax. 3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. 4. Confiscation
of the property of all emigrants and rebels. 5. Centralizing of credit
in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with a state
capital. 6. Centralizing of the means of communication and
transportation in the hands of the state. 7. Factories and production
owned b ...
History 2
Number of Words: 1302 / Number of Pages: 5
... United States. While on an issue with all low points there is one fact which stands above the rest, somewhat. Due to the fact that it was a longer voyage for the slaves to reach America they were much higher priced than in the Southern Americas, where slaves were considered expendable and worked until death. Accoridngly, slaves where considered important and treated much better in North America. Slavery is a low point in American history many will try to forget, but will be embedded in the minds of all.
The Great Awakening was a time of spiritual revival from the bland, monotone speakers of th ...
The Symbol Of The South
Number of Words: 656 / Number of Pages: 3
... slavery is one of the many causes that the flag's right to be above the capitol is questioned. This mistaken idea often causes problems between the races of this state. Slavery was wrong. I would never try to justify it, because it can not be justified. It was simply wrong, God made us all equal. A human being was never intended to be treated like an animal, animals even were not meant to be treated like slaves. Slavery is a sensitive area, but the flag does not reflect this. The war was about the South's right to make it's own laws, and to be free from the Union. There were many Black soldiers there ...
Harlem Renaissance 2
Number of Words: 1037 / Number of Pages: 4
... other places, the white majority still considered you as
"niggers". A race that is inferior and has no way into revolting against
the domination of whites. There were a lot of regulations and restrictions
that blacks faced during the time of slavery. Being considered a property is
one of the hardship that they went through. They were basically treated like
animals with no saying. They were sold here and there. There were also
times that a person would get separated from their family. That person will
never again see their family! The blacks were considered second class
citize ...
The Congress Of Vienna
Number of Words: 352 / Number of Pages: 2
... at that time
because it united people in a common cause. On the other hand, Conservatives
feared nationalism because of its threat to overthrow the traditional political
The goals of the Congress of Vienna were the Balance of Power, which
meant no nation would be too strong or too weak. Another goal was the Return
of Monarchs. Louis XVIII issued a constitution to return. The Congress of
Vienna wanted to redraw borders. The leaders payed little attention to the
people when redrawing Europe. The Prince Metternich system was a system that
made absolute rule return. Four nations agreed to ...
The American Revolution
Number of Words: 648 / Number of Pages: 3
... to rulers as their way of
life. But in America things had taken a different turn. The tone of
society was essentially democratic. There were no lords or hereditary
offices. The Americans did not like to look up to superiors, nor were
their leaders set apart by privileges of birth and inherited wealth. The
opportunities of the New World made men enterprising, energetic, and
aggressive. Restraints were few, custom counted for little, and rank for
less. Between these two societies there could not be much in common. With
such opposing viewpoints and extreme change in social and economic
structure, Americ ...
Killer Earthquake In Istanbul, Turkey
Number of Words: 435 / Number of Pages: 2
... to each other. The force of the earthquake has bought Turkey and Europe 4 feet closer to Europe; politically and psychologically together. Europe has contributed almost $4.8 million for the relief aid at Istanbul, Turkey. Europe and Turkey have become good neighbors. The earthquake has bought the U.S. and Europe closer together and will help each other forever.
The President of France, Jacques Chirac, has sent letters to leaders of the other 14 member’s states of the European union urging them to help Turkey. How come Europe is helping Turkey? Why does the U.S. of A. need help for another n ...
Number of Words: 844 / Number of Pages: 4
... an area roughly equal in size to the present-day Atlantic Coast states of the United States. Scholars estimate that between 3.5 million to 16 million peoples of varying tribal backgrounds inhabited this immense region.
The Inca's downfall occurred in the 1500's, when the Spanish Conquistadors invaded Peru, and the Incan civilization. The Conquistadors were led by a man the famous explorer, Francisco Pizarro. Pizarro and his men came to Peru in 1524, and by 1531, had taken over all of the Inca's land in the name of Spain. The stronger, more powerful Spanish army defeated the and took their land, t ...